Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Who's driving?

So... it has been a couple of days, and I have to say that I haven't seen any gross violations of my roadway rules (except maybe for the guy that was driving 35mph on the freeway) but when the freeway is wide open, as it was tonight, I could easily over look this one.

I was thinking however about spandex or leg warmers (try it yourself, you will be able to think of one) just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Can you see how this works with spandex, well it also works with the ever so elusive carpool lane. Just because you have two or more people in your car doesn't mean the carpool lane is the lane for you. Honestly... I was driving on the 210 fwy and there was this beat-up old van with no windows (you know what that means) and they were driving in the carpool lane. Any other day I wouldn't care, but they were probably only going 50mph.

The carpool lane is a hard call. If you go to fast, you could be stuck behind someone slow, and crazy enough the oposite is also true. If you are going too slow you might have someone riding your tail the whole time. And then you are stuck for a mile or so before you can leagally exit (in Cali at least, other states are more liberal with their carpool lanes). Enter at your own risk. But like I said before, just because you can doesn't mean you should. Try it for yourself.

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