Friday, July 08, 2005


I have added some new links to some fun websites. The first is the California Dept of Transportation site where one can find real time traffic info, and highway conditions. Here are some goals of Caltrans:
- SAFETY -Provide the safest transportation system in the nation for users and workers
- RELIABILITY -Provide dependable travel times
-PERFORMANCE -Optimize transportation system throughput
-FLEXIBILITY-Provide mobility choices through strategic partnerships
- STEWARDSHIP -Preserve and enhance California’s resources and investments
- DELIVERY -Improve delivery of projects and services

The other is the California DMV site which I know will only be helpful to a handful of you, but there one might find answers to some interesting questions regarding traffic rules and ways to stay safe on the roads. You can also take their driving knowledge tutorial, or their Sample Written Driver License Test. Isn't learning fun!?

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