Saturday, February 27, 2010

Top 10

I haven't posted for a while, so I thought I might give you a top ten of my biggest pet peeves associated with drivers, driving, etc...

10. Drivers with little cars who pull all the way into a parking spot so you can't see them
9. Motorcycles that take a whole spot to themselves
8. Drivers who speed up when you turn you blinker on
7. 5 extra cars driving through the red light on a left turn arrow
6. Drivers that cut-off semi-trucks, especially those carrying toxic, hazardous or potentially explosive materials
5. Slow cars in the fast lane
4. Drivers who don't know how to merge, or worse Drivers who don't want to merge
3. Drivers who can't commit
2. Drivers who, when you are trying not to block the intersection, pull on in
1. Drivers who block intersections


Tawnie said...

I couldn't agree more.

Aunt Spicy said...

Sigh. Can we still be sisters if I have done a couple of those things? Not on purpose, but, gulp, I might be guilty.

mom said...

I don't like the ones who won't let you into the far right lane - even when you signal, so you have to slow down to get behind them so you can move over and then they move over one lane to the left. Well something like that - they are rude. I like your ten ideas too!